Our projects originate from community need. But, large and small, we won’t always know what they are until you tell us about the possibilities springing from new sports facilities within your area.
We welcome ideas and interaction from coaches, teachers, parents or anyone who believes sport can be a life changing experience for children and have identified a specific demand. Have an idea? Then please get in touch
We’re all about lasting legacies. We’re in this for the long haul and focus on big and sustainable projects. Since it began in 2010, the Foundation has built three major sports facilities in South Australia, at Playford, Marion and Onkaparinga. Ensuring there are ongoing sport programs and initiatives to make best use of these facilities is a must.
When it comes to providing access to sport for those people who need it, we do not discriminate. Children are the main focus but anybody can use our facilities and programs. The medicine of sport is for everyone.
Who Benefits
Ultimately everyone. Giving children access to sports facilities and programs gives them the
chance of a healthier and better life. But it’s not just the kids who win, raising awareness of what
sport, at any level, can do for you can led indirectly to an appreciation of why health matters for
families and friends. It’s a way of helping to bring in a level playpen field across all society.
How We Pay For It All
The Foundation fundraises via social and sports events and donations but much of the money comes from government and council partnerships where they see the benefits arising from new facilities in their areas. We lobby the right people and work with them to build and sustain new facilities. In-kind donations from private contractors help enormously too.
These projects are not cheap - the Morton Road Reserve is a $3.5 million facility and boasts a skate park, tennis courts, rock climbing, basketball and much more and hosts ongoing sports and recreational programs.
We remain, however, a charity with no paid employees or fixed expenses. Every dollar raised goes direct to giving access to sport for people who need it most.
RRSF Application
This doesn’t have to be overly detailed or complicated so please just give us the facts and the benefits as you see them. We’ll get back to you as quickly as we can.
The Roger Rasheed Sports Foundation